Opportunity of Graduate Studies with Scholarship in Japan

The Integrated Engineering Centre of Excellence held a Seminar “STUDY, LIVE AND WORK IN JAPAN” on March 24, 2022. Students of The University of Lahore were provided with a unique opportunity to pursue Graduate Studies with upto 100% Scholarship at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan which has a 97% job placement. Under the agreed scheme, The University of Lahore will recommend its students for Ritsumeikan APU Graduate Studies.
This seminar is part of the push by the honorable chairman Awais Rauf to be able to promote placements for UoL graduates in foreign industry markets, and ties in with his program to enter the Japanese and other Asian markets. After some words from Dr Aazir Khan, Director IECE standing in for the honorable Chief Guest, Nasir Mahmood, pro-rector UOL, Mr Fazal Qadir Khan, representative of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Pakistan addressed the Seminar, while Miss Johanna Korhonen, APU Admissions Counselor and Miss Sadaf Muddassahara, MBA Graduate’22 and Doctoral Candidate APU gave their notes through exclusive Live Zoom Session with the audience. Students were made aware of admission policies and student experience at APU. At the end of the Seminar a very interactive Q&A session was held between the audience and APU representatives in Japan. The students of University of Lahore showed immense enthusiasm towards the provided opportunity.